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A few weeks ago, Gov. Gretchen Witmer visited to play 'Schitt's Creek' trivia because she's a huge fan of the show. Their drag bingo and trivia nights have become quite popular. The business started as a small coffee shop and has grown to include a restaurant, bar and performance space Pronto. Special beverages will be available from sponsors Bubly, Truly and Ketel One.įIVE15 has presented drag bingo multiple times weekly for 15 years in downtown Royal Oak. Gay icon Boomer Banks will also perform, as well as the Wayne Boys, Sabin and the FIVE15 house cast, with tunes by DJ Kenny and special guest DJ Gaby Hemlok. Tickets for both events are available at.

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The brunch event begins at 1:30 p.m., followed by the foam party at 3 p.m.

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Mayhem Miller, a standout during the fifth season of 'RuPaul's Drag Race,' will perform during a drag brunch and foam party at Royal Oak's FIVE15 on Sunday. Welcome to Out and About, the Free Press’ new weekly LGBTQ+ events column!

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