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The album has been certified platinum in numerous countries worldwide and won Lipa the Brit Awards for British Female Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act in 2018. The album peaked at number three on the UK Albums Chart and yielded eight singles, including ' Be the One', ' IDGAF', and the UK number-one single ' New Rules', which also peaked at number six in the US. Records in 2014 and released her eponymous debut album in 2017. Lipa has received numerous accolades, including six Brit Awards, three Grammy Awards, two MTV Europe Music Awards, an MTV Video Music Award, two Billboard Music Awards, an American Music Award, and two Guinness World Records.Īfter working as a model, she signed with Warner Bros. Possessing a mezzo-soprano vocal range, she is known for her signature disco- pop sound.

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Dua Lipa ( / ˈ d uː ə ˈ l iː p ə/ Albanian: born ( )22 August 1995) is a British singer and songwriter.

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